03879191 LTD


03879191 LTD was set up on Thursday, November 18, 1999. Their current partial address is GRIFFINS TAVISTOCK HOUSE SOUTH and the company status is Liquidation.

Credit Score

Latest Accounts Filed:


Next Set of Accounts Due:


Company Vitals

Company Name:

03879191 LTD

Time in Business:

24 years

Company Number:


Current Status:


Company Category:

Private Limited Company

Country of Origin:

United Kingdom

Principal Activity:

[5540] - Bars

Registered Address:


Previous Names:


Filing History

Submission Date Type
Gazette dissolved liquidation 2022-03-31 GAZ2
Liquidation voluntary creditors return of final meeting 2021-12-31 LIQ14
Liquidation voluntary statement of receipts and payments with brought down date 2021-08-04 4.68
Liquidation voluntary statement of receipts and payments with brought down date 2021-01-11 4.68
Liquidation voluntary statement of receipts and payments with brought down date 2020-07-21 4.68
Liquidation voluntary statement of receipts and payments with brought down date 2020-01-23 4.68
Liquidation voluntary statement of receipts and payments with brought down date 2019-07-31 4.68
Liquidation voluntary statement of receipts and payments with brought down date 2019-01-31 4.68
Liquidation voluntary statement of receipts and payments with brought down date 2018-07-28 4.68
Liquidation voluntary statement of receipts and payments with brought down date 2018-02-02 4.68
Liquidation voluntary statement of receipts and payments with brought down date 2017-11-22 4.68
Liquidation voluntary statement of receipts and payments with brought down date 2017-11-22 4.68
Liquidation voluntary statement of receipts and payments with brought down date 2017-11-22 4.68
Liquidation voluntary statement of receipts and payments with brought down date 2017-11-22 4.68
Liquidation voluntary statement of receipts and payments with brought down date 2017-11-22 4.68
Liquidation voluntary statement of receipts and payments with brought down date 2017-11-22 4.68
Liquidation voluntary statement of receipts and payments with brought down date 2017-11-22 4.68
Liquidation voluntary statement of receipts and payments with brought down date 2017-11-22 4.68
Liquidation voluntary statement of receipts and payments with brought down date 2017-11-22 4.68
Liquidation voluntary statement of receipts and payments with brought down date 2017-11-22 4.68