5969741 LIMITED


5969741 LIMITED was set up on Tuesday, October 17, 2006. Their current partial address is 26-28 BEDFORD ROW and the company status is Liquidation.

Credit Score

Next Set of Accounts Due:


Company Vitals

Company Name:

5969741 LIMITED

Time in Business:

17 years

Company Number:


Current Status:


Company Category:

Private Limited Company

Country of Origin:

United Kingdom

Principal Activity:

[5530] - Restaurants

Additional Activities:

[5540] - Bars

Registered Address:


Filing History

Submission Date Type
Gazette dissolved liquidation 2016-04-12 GAZ2
Liquidation voluntary creditors return of final meeting 2016-01-12 4.72
Liquidation voluntary statement of receipts and payments with brought down date 2015-04-13 4.68
Liquidation voluntary statement of receipts and payments with brought down date 2014-08-12 4.68
Liquidation voluntary statement of receipts and payments with brought down date 2014-01-27 4.68
Liquidation voluntary statement of receipts and payments with brought down date 2013-07-09 4.68
Liquidation voluntary statement of receipts and payments with brought down date 2012-12-27 4.68
Liquidation voluntary statement of receipts and payments with brought down date 2012-06-28 4.68
Liquidation disclaimer notice 2012-05-21 F10.2
Liquidation voluntary statement of receipts and payments with brought down date 2011-12-23 4.68
Liquidation voluntary statement of receipts and payments with brought down date 2011-07-14 4.68
Liquidation voluntary statement of receipts and payments with brought down date 2010-12-23 4.68
Liquidation voluntary statement of affairs with form attached 2009-12-11 4.20
Liquidation voluntary appointment of liquidator 2009-12-11 600
Resolution 2009-12-11 RESOLUTIONS
Change registered office address company with date old address 2009-11-30 AD01
Restoration order of court 2009-11-09 AC92
Gazette dissolved compulsary 2009-08-11 GAZ2
Gazette notice compulsary 2009-04-28 GAZ1
Legacy 2008-12-28 288b