SL012847 LP


SL012847 LP was set up on Monday, April 8, 2013. Their current partial address is SUITE 1389 and the company status is Active.

Company Vitals

Company Name:

SL012847 LP

Time in Business:

11 years

Company Number:


Current Status:


Company Category:

Limited Partnership

Country of Origin:

United Kingdom

Principal Activity:

None Supplied

Registered Address:

SUITE 1389
G2 1QX

Filing History

Submission Date Type
Legacy 2022-09-15 LP6
Change to a person with significant control scottish limited partnership 2021-12-08 SLPPSC04
Confirmation statement with made up date 2021-04-15 SLPCS01
Confirmation statement with made up date 2020-04-20 SLPCS01
Confirmation statement with made up date 2019-04-17 SLPCS01
Legacy 2019-03-20 LP6
Notification of a person with significant control scottish limited partnership 2019-03-19 SLPPSC01
Cessation of a person with significant control scottish limited partnership 2019-03-19 SLPPSC07
Confirmation statement with made up date 2018-04-27 SLPCS01
Notification of a person with significant control scottish limited partnership 2017-08-18 SLPPSC01
Legacy 2013-04-08 LP5